Sunday, November 9, 2014

The C.A.R.E. Centre hypnotizes for funds

The C.A.R.E. Centre hypnotizes for funds

C.A.R.E. Program Director Olivia Quesnel, with C.A.R.E. client Donna, and hypnotist Ariel Sherker.

By Wendy Singer

On Sunday, November 2, we attended a stage hypnosis show and fundraiser for The C.A.R.E. Centre at the Harold Greenspon Auditorium in Cote Saint-Luc.

A grassroots group founded by parents, the C.A.R.E. Centre is a day-centre for adults with physical disabilities. Located at Marymount Adult Education Centre, English Montreal School Board (EMSB) in Cote Saint-Luc, they offer recreational and educational activities to adults over 21 with physical disabilities. Services are provided in English.

C.A.R.E. has been in existence as a non-profit organization for the past 16 years with the help of the EMSB, SACA and the SOC. Clients are offered a wide range of recreational and educational actives from arts and crafts to music, current events, baking, yoga and meditation, outings, and more. Their high client-to-staff ratio allows them to offer individual help with activities, which enables clients to participate to the fullest of their abilities.

C.A.R.E. also helps clients contact the necessary resources to help them live full and enriching lives, from adapted equipment, wheelchair repair, to housing information. The nature of the centre enables staff and clients to really get to know each other and form  special bonds and long lasting friendships. It is a place to learn, to socialize, to communicate and have fun.
Many of the C.A.R.E. clients were out on November 2 to support the organization. The crowd was warmed up with a hilarious opening comedy act by local comic Dan Laxer.

Comedian Dan Laxer performs at the Harold Greenspon Auditorium in Cote Saint-Luc

And then..the talented Montreal hypnotist Ariel Sherker took to the stage with a group of volunteers who were eager to be hypnotized, and subsequently become the highlights of this afternoon show.
Volunteers with Ariel Sherker at the Harold Greenspon Auditorium 
Through an intricate and gentle hypnotic procedure, Ariel gradually focused on four of her volunteers who were deeply hypnotized. Under hypnosis, these volunteers had fun freely expressing themselves. From dancing various styles of dance to Elvis impersonation, to fly swatting, these four people were ready to accept any suggestion that Ariel put forward. This, of course, provided excellent entertainment for the spectators! Deeper than the laughs, it was quite fascinating to see how hypnosis can reach parts of the brain that we so rarely access.

The four volunteers who went the deepest into hypnosis are captured dancing, with hypnotist Ariel Sherker

Congratulations to the organizers for a wonderful event, raising funds for an important Centre. For information about the C.A.R.E. Centre, visit or call 514-383-7200 #6205. For information about hypnosis visit

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